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Cancel & Refund Policy

Any defect or complaints can be referred to the company at +91 9254101045,44 or can be emailed to us at enquiry@jnsonlab.com.

The customer can cancel the order for the product till we ship it. Orders once shipped cannot be cancelled.

The user may return the product in the following cases by raising a complaint with customer care within 24 hours of receipt:-

  • Product(s) delivered were defective/damaged (will not be accepted if it has a tampered seal);
  • Product(s) delivered are past or expired;
  • Product(s) delivered do not match your order.

While returning goods, please quote the – order number, your name, name of the product and the reason why you are returning the products. Our customer care team will verify the claim made by the customer within 72 (seventy-two) business hours from the time of receipt of complaint. Once the claim is verified as genuine and reasonable, we will initiate to either replace the product(s) or refund the amount as per the discretion of JNSON Laboratories Private Limited.

For all orders which could not be executed the amount collected would be refunded within 72 (seventy-two) business hours from the time of confirmation of orders cancellation by JNSON  Laboratories Private Limited. Such refund (if any) shall be effected via payment gateway or such other mode as JNSON Laboratories Private Limited deems appropriate.

Returns are not possible in the following cases:

1.  Used products;

2.  Return request is made outside the specified time frame;

3.  Products with tampered or missing serial numbers, including price tags & labels.

4.  Any wrong ordering of product.

5.  Batch number of the product being returned should match as mentioned on the invoice.

JNSON Laboratories Private Limited reserves the right to cancel any orders without assigning any reason/ground.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change or update this policy at any time by placing a prominent notice on our site. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon posting to this site.


All comments, queries and request relating to our use of your information are welcomed and should be addressed to :- enquiry@jnsonlab.com or +91-92541-01045,44

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